Communications 2007-2008
- Tuesday, April 23 2008, 13:00 hours, Tiberiu Popoviciu hall:
- Chair of Geometry
- Conf. Dr. Paul A.Blaga, „Teorie Morse discreta pentru CW-complexe regulare”
- Asist. Ildiko Mezei, „Rezultate de multiplicitate pentru ecuatii cvaziliniare eliptice”
- Tuesday, March 18 2008, 13:00 hours, Tiberiu Popoviciu hall:
- Chair of Mathematical Analysis
- J. Kolumban, I. Marchis, T. Szasz, „On elliptic PDEs in some growing fractals domains”
- Tuesday, February 26 2008, 13:00 hours, Tiberiu Popoviciu hall:
- Chair of Information Systems
- Lect. Dr. Rareş Boian, „Virtual walk on haptic virtual surfaces”
- Asist. Adrian Sterca, „TCP friendly multimedia streams and flows”
- Tuesday, January 29 2008, 13:00 hours, Tiberiu Popoviciu hall:
- Chair of Algebra
- Lect. Dr. Ciprian Modoi, „Localisations and colocalisations”
- Student Istvan Suteu-Szollosi
- Wednesday, January 9 2008, 12:00 hours, C335 hall, Campus Building:
- Assoc. Prof. Horvath Gyula (University of Szeged, Hungary), „Online Evaluation System (Description, implementation, impact on education) „
- Tuesday, December 11 2007, 13:00 hours, Tiberiu Popoviciu hall:
- Prof. Wolfgang L. Wendland (Universitaet Stuttgart, Germany), „Boundary integral operators and pseudo-differential operators”
- Monday, December 3 2007, 16:00 hours, Nicolae Iorga hall:
- John Yen and Hank Foley (College of Information Sciences and Technology, The Pennsylvania State University), „Probabilistic Community Discovery for Large-Scale Social Networks”
- Tuesday, November 20 2007, 13:00 hours, Tiberiu Popoviciu hall:
- Prof. David Julitz (Martin Luther Universitaet, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany), „Attractors for Selections of Random Differential Inclusions”
- Tuesday, October 23 2007, 13:00 hours, Tiberiu Popoviciu hall:
- Prof. Francesca Faraci (Univ. Catania), „Infinitely many solutions for
a Schrodinger equation involving an oscillatory nonlinearity”
- Prof. Antonio Iannizzotto (Univ. Catania), „A conjecture for finding
nonconvex Chebyshev sets in Hilbert spaces”
- Monday, October 1 2007, 10:00 hours, opening of the 2007-2008 academic year:
- Mr. Leontin Toderici, Executive Director, Banca Transilvania, „Implicatii ale matematicii în economia de astazi”
- Mr. Andrei Kovacs, Xoomworks, „Development perspectives in the software industry” and Mr. Mihai Nadas, III year student in Computer Science in English, „Cerintele asupra proiectelor de informatica pentru studenti”
- Mr. Marcel Anghel, ISDC, „Perspective de cariera în industria soft”, and Mr. Paul Valentin Borza, III year student in Computer Science in English, „Ce înseamna sa fii student la informatica”