Prof. I. M. Cherevko: On the main fields of research at the Department of Mathematics and Informatics of Chernivtsi National University & Prof. M. M. Popov: Introduction to narrow operators
Joi, 14 noiembrie 2013, o delegaţie de la Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică de la Universitatea din Cernăuţi, Ucraina, vizitează facultatea noastră.
Cu aceasta ocazie se vor susţine două conferinţe:
On the main fields of research at the Department of Mathematics and Informatics of Chernivtsi National University
Speaker: Prof. I. M. Cherevko, Dean of the faculty
Sala e, Mathematicum, ora 11 -
Introduction to narrow operators (Functional analysis and operator theory)
Speaker: Prof. M. M. Popov
Sala e, Mathematicum, ora 12.30