Latest News & Announcements
- Google Developer Groups On Campus – Babeș-Bolyai University presents Devfest – 2025
- UBB takes part in a new Horizon Europe project that studies democratic resilience, with the assistance of DigitalTwins
- Outstanding results of our students at the first algorithmic competitions of the 2024/2025 academic year
- Workshop dedicated to the memory of Professor Gabriela Kohr: Geometric Function Theory in Several Complex Variables and Complex Banach Spaces
- Francisco Braun (Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil): The global invertibility problem and the Jacobian conjecture
- Undergraduate Programmes
- Master's Programmes
- Study Programmes in Mathematics -
- Advanced Mathematics (En)
- Modern Methods in Teaching Mathematics (Ro)
- Modern Methods in Teaching Mathematics (Hu)
- Computational Mathematics (Hu)
- Study Programmes in Computer Science -- Databases (Ro)
- Distributed Systems in Internet (Ro)
- Modern Methods in Teaching Computer Science (Ro)
- Modern Methods in Teaching Computer Science (Hu)
- Data Analysis and Modelling (Hu)
- Enterprise Software Design and Development (Hu)
- Applied Computational Intelligence (En)
- Cyber Security (En)
- Data Science for Industry and Society (En)
- High Performance Computing and Big Data Analytics (En)
- Software Engineering (En)
- Advanced Computer Science Systems: Modeling, Design and Development (De & En)
- Postgraduate Programmes
- Doctoral Programmes