

Exploratory Research Project PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2016-0190


Contract: 96/12.07.2017, financed by UEFISCDI – Romanian Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation


Project duration: 30 months (12/07/2017 – 31/12/2019)


Project title: Equilibrium and optimization problems: theoretical and computational approaches


Project manager: Professor Gábor KASSAY, Ph.D.


            Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

            Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

            Department of Mathematics

            1, Kogălniceanu Street

            400084 Cluj-Napoca, Romania



Research team



Prof. Gábor KASSAY, Ph.D. – project leader

E-mail: kassay [ at ] math [ dot ] ubbcluj [ dot ] ro

URL: http://math.ubbcluj.ro/~kassay/





Prof. Nicolae POPOVICI, Ph.D. habil.

E-mail: popovici [ at ] math [ dot ] ubbcluj [ dot ] ro

URL: http://math.ubbcluj.ro/~popovici/





Assoc. prof. Cornel Sebastian PINTEA, Ph.D.

E-mail: cpintea [ at ] math [ dot ] ubbcluj [ dot ] ro

URL: http://math.ubbcluj.ro/~cpintea/





Assoc. prof. Szilárd Csaba LÁSZLÓ, Ph.D. habil.

E-mail: laszlosziszi [ at ] yahoo [ dot ] com

URL: https://sites.google.com/site/laszloszilardcsaba/





Assoc. prof.  Zsolt DARVAY, Ph.D.

E-mail: darvay [ at ] cs [ dot ] ubbcluj [ dot ] ro

URL: http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~darvay





Lecturer prof. Anca GRAD, Ph.D.

E-mail: ancagrad [ at ] math [ dot ] ubbcluj [ dot ] ro

URL: http://math.ubbcluj.ro/~ancagrad





Lecturer prof. Livia Mihaela BERCHEŞAN (MIHOLCA), Ph.D.

E-mail: Livia [ dot ] Berchesan [ at ] math [ dot ] utcluj [ dot ] ro

URL: http://www.math.utcluj.ro/Matematica_utcluj_2017-2018b.htm




Corina BLIDAR, Ph.D. student

E-mail: corina [ dot ] blidar [ at ] math [ dot ] ubbcluj [ dot ] ro

URL: http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/despre-facultate/structura/departamentul-de-matematica/



Petra-Renáta RIGÓ (TAKÁCS), Ph.D. student

E-mail: takacs [ dot ] petra [ at ] math [ dot ] ubbcluj [ dot ] ro

URL: http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/departamentul-de-matematica-si-informatica-al-liniei-maghiare/, https://det.math.bme.hu/node/1367  







Project summary and objectives



The project is mainly motivated by the growing interest in the literature regarding sensitivity, openness/metric regularity, variational principles, and practical applications concerning equilibrium and optimization problems, interest which clearly shows that these fields are appropriate for applying the modern tools of nonlinear analysis. The aim of the seven objectives of the project  is to bring  to light new concepts and approaches within the following specific topics: parametric equilibrium problems, variational principles for equilibrium problems, vector optimization problems in connection with differential inclusions, duality and optimality conditions for set-valued optimization, numerical methods for equilibrium problems, interior-point methods for scalar optimization problems, algorithms for image processing, optimal location, and traffic flow optimization. The specific objectives of our project are:


O1.        Parametric equilibrium problems;

O2.        Variational principles for vector equilibrium problems;

O3.        Vector optimization problems in connection with differential inclusions;

O4.        Duality and optimality conditions for set-valued optimization;

O5.        Numerical methods for equilibrium problems;

O6.        Interior-point methods for scalar optimization problems;

O7.        Algorithms for image processing and optimal location;









Papers published/accepted in WOS-indexed journals

Papers published/accepted in journals/volumes indexed in international databases

Papers under review


12/07/2017 - 31/12/2017


12 [items P1- P12 in the list below]


01/01/2018 - 31/12/2018

1 [item P15 in the list below]

12 [items P13, P14 and  P16-P25 in the list below]


01/01/2019 - 31/12/2019

7 [items P26, P27-P29 and P32-P34 in the list below]

4 [items P30, P31, P35 and P37 in the list below]

1 [item P36 in the list below]




31 (sum of impact factors: 41,001)





P1.        César Gutiérrez, Gábor Kassay, Vicente Novo, Juan-Luis Ródenas-Pedregosa: Ekeland variational principles in vector equilibrium problem, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 27 (2017) (4), 2405-2425, DOI 10.1137/17M111883X [JCR Science Edition 2018 IF: 2.876]

P2.        Zsolt Darvay, Petra-Renáta Takács: New method for determining search directions for interior-point algorithms in linear optimization, Optimization Letters, 12 (2018) (5), 1099-1116, DOI 10.1007/s11590-017-1171-4 [JCR Science Edition 2018 IF: 1.399]

P3.        Monica Bianchi, Gábor Kassay, Rita Pini: On a suffcient condition for weak sharp effciency in multiobjective optimization, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 178 (2018) (1), 78-93, DOI: 10.1007/s10957-018-1307-4 [JCR Science Edition 2018 IF: 1.600] 

P4.        Gábor Kassay, Trinh Ngoc Hai, Nguyen The Vinh: Coupling Popov’s algorithm with subgradient extragradient method for solving equilibrium problems, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, 19 (2018) (6), 959-986, http://www.ybook.co.jp/online2/jncav19-6.html  [JCR Science Edition 2018 IF: 0.595]

P5.        Suliman Al-Homidan, Qamrul Hasan Ansari, Gábor Kassay: On sensitivity of vector equilibria by means of the diagonal subdifferential operator, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, 20 (2019) (3), 527-537  [JCR Science Edition 2018 IF: 0.595]

P6.        Kazuki Seto, Daishi Kuroiwa, Nicolae Popovici: A systematization of convexity and quasiconvexity concepts for set-valued maps, defined by l-type and u-type preorder relations, Optimization, 67 (2018) (7), 1077-1094,  DOI: 10.1080/02331934.2018.1454920 [JCR Science Edition 2018 IF: 1.206], available here

P7.        Christian Günther, Nicolae Popovici: New algorithms for discrete vector optimization based on the Graef-Younes method and cone-monotone sorting functions, Optimization, 67 (2018) (7), 975-1003, DOI: 10.1080/02331934.2018.1474469  [JCR Science Edition 2018 IF: 1.206] a limited number of free eprints available here

P8.        Ovidiu Bagdasar, Nicolae Popovici: Unifying local-global type properties in vector optimization, Journal of Global Optimization, 72 (2018) (2), 155–179, DOI: 10.1007/s10898-018-0656-8 [JCR Science Edition 2018 IF: 1.631], available here.

P9.        Cornel Pintea: Convex decompositions of convex open sets with polytopes or finite sets removed, Journal of Convex Analysis, 26 (2019) (2), 687-698, http://www.heldermann.de/JCA/JCA26/JCA262/jca26036.htm  [JCR Science Edition 2018 IF: 0.794]

P10.     Radu-Ioan Boţ, Robert Ernö Cetnek, Szilárd Csaba László: Approaching nonsmooth nonconvex minimization through second order proximal-gradient dynamical systems, Journal of Evolution Equations, 18 (2018) (3), 1291-1318, DOI: 10.1007/s00028-018-0441-7 [JCR Science Edition 2018 IF: 1.181], Open Access.

P11.     Petra-Renáta Takács, Zsolt Darvay: A primal-dual interior-point algorithm for symmetric optimization based on a new method for finding search directions, Optimization, 67 (2018) (6), 889-905, DOI: 10.1080/02331934.2018.1432610 [JCR Science Edition 2018 IF: 1.206], a limited number of free eprints available here

P12.     Livia Mihaela Berchean (Miholca): Cyclically antimonotone vector equilibrium problems, Optimization, 67 (2018) (12), 2191-2204, DOI: 10.1080/02331934.2018.1523405 [JCR Science Edition 2018 IF: 1.206]

P13.     Zsolt Darvay, Petra-Renáta Takács:  Large-step interior-point algorithm for linear optimization based on a new wide neighbourhood, Central European Journal of Operations Research, 26 (2018) (3), 551-563, DOI: 10.1007/s10100-018-0524-0 [JCR Science Edition 2018 IF: 1.260], free online access available here

P14.     Petra-Renáta Rigó, Zsolt Darvay: Infeasible interior-point method for symmetric optimization using a positive-asymptotic barrier, Computational Optimization and Applications, 71 (2018) (2), 483-508, DOI: 10.1007/s10589-018-0012-4 [JCR Science Edition 2018 IF: 1.906], free online access available here

P15.     Gábor Kassay, Viceniu Rădulescu: Equilibrium Problems and Applications, Academic Press, ISBN: 978-0-12-811029-4, 400 pages, https://www.elsevier.com/books/equilibrium-problems-and-applications/kassay/978-0-12-811029-4

P16.     Adela Capătă, Gábor Kassay, Suliman Al-Homidan: Existence results for strong vector equilibrium problems with applications, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, 19 (2018) (7), 1163-1179, available (view-only) here  [JCR Science Edition 2018 IF: 0.595]

P17.     Zsolt Darvay, Petra Renáta Rigó: New interior-point algorithm for symmetric optimization based on a positive-asymptotic barrier function, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 39 (2018) (15), 1705-1726, DOI: 10.1080/01630563.2018.1492938 [JCR Science Edition 2018 IF: 0.822], a limited number of free eprints available here

P18.     Ovidiu Bagdasar, Stuart Berry, Sam O’Neill, Nicolae Popovici, Ramachandran Raja: Traffic assignment: Methods and simulations for an alternative formulation of the fixed demand problem, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 155 (2019), 360–373, DOI: 10.1016/j.matcom.2018.08.004  [JCR Science Edition 2018 IF: 1.409], free online acces available here

P19.     Soodabeh Asadi, Hossein Mansouri, Zsolt Darvay, Goran Lesaja, Maryam Zangiabadi: A long-step feasible predictor-corrector interior-point algorithm for symmetric cone optimization, Optimization Methods and Software, 34 (2019) (2), 336-362, DOI:10.1080/10556788.2018.1528248 [JCR Science Edition 2018 IF: 1.206], a limited number of free eprints available here

P20.     Soodabeh Asadi, Hossein Mansouri, Zsolt Darvay, Maryam Zangiabadi, Nezam Mahdavi-Amiri: Large-Neighborhood infeasible predictor-corrector algorithm for horizontal linear complementarity problems over Cartesian product of symmetric cones, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 180 (2019) (3), 811-829, DOI: 10.1007/s10957-018-1402-6 [JCR Science Edition 2018 IF: 1.600], free online access available here

P21.     Luminita Barbu, Gheorghe Morosanu, Cornel Pintea: A nonlinear elliptic eigenvalue–transmission problem with Neumann boundary condition, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 198 (2019) (3), 821–836, DOI: 10.1007/s10231-018-0801-5  [JCR Science Edition 2018 IF: 1.268]

P22.     Livia Mihaela Berchean (Miholca): A generalized Ekeland’s variational principle for vector equilibria, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Mathematica, 64 (2019) (4), 581–592, DOI: 10.24193/subbmath.2019.4.11

P23.     Szilárd Csaba László: Convergence rates for an inertial algorithm of gradient type associated to a smooth non-convex minimization, Mathematical Programming, Published online: 01 July 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s10107-020-01534-w [JCR Science Edition 2018 IF: 2.823]

P24.     Suliman Al-Homidan, Qamrul Hasan Ansari,Gábor Kassay: Vectorial form of Ekeland’s Variational Principle with applications to vector equilibrium problems, Optimization, 69 (2020) (3), 415-436, DOI: 10.1080/02331934.2019.1589469 [JCR Science Edition 2018 IF: 1.206]

P25.     Suliman Al-Homidan, Qamrul Hasan Ansari,Gábor Kassay: Takahashi's minimization theorem and some related results in quasi-metric spaces, Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, (2019) 21: 38, DOI: 10.1007/s11784-019-0676-0  [JCR Science Edition 2018 IF: 1.253], available (view-only) here

P26.     Zsolt Darvay, Tibor Illés, Behrouz Kheirfam, Petra Renáta Rigó: A corrector-predictor interior-point method with new search direction for linear optimization, Central European Journal of Operations Research, First Online 15 May 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s10100-019-00622-3, [JCR IF 2018: 1.260]. available at  https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10100-019-00622-3

P27.     Ouayl Chadli, Gábor Kassay, Asma Saidi: On the existence of antiperiodic solutions for hemivariational inequalities: an equilibrium problem approach, Optimization Letters, Published Online 15 October 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s11590-019-01490-1 , [JCR IF 2018: 1.399].

P28.     Ovidiu Bagdasar, Stuart Berry, Nicolae Popovici: Traffic assignment: On the interplay between optimisation and equilibrium problems, Optimization, Special issue dedicated to Professor Boris Mordukhovich on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 69 (2020) (7-8), 1773-1790, [JCR Science Edition 2018 IF: 1.206] , a limited number of free eprints available here

P29.     Christian Günther, Nicolae Popovici: Characterizations of explicitly quasiconvex vector functions w.r.t. polyhedral cones, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, Special Issue in Memory of Professor Siegfried Schaible, 20 (2019) (12),  2653-2665, [JCR Science Edition 2018 IF: 0.595]

P30.     Elisabeth Köbis, Christian Günther, Nicolae Popovici: Computing minimal elements of finite families of sets w.r.t. preorder relations in set optimization, Journal of Applied and Numerical Optimization, Special issue dedicated to Boris Polyak, 1 (2019) (2), 131-144, DOI: 10.23952/jano.1.2019.2.04, free online acces available here

P31.     Christian Günther, Nicolae Popovici: The role of nonlinear scalarization functions in characterizing generalized convex vector functions, Journal of Applied and Numerical Optimization, Special Issue Dedicated to Christiane Tammer, 1 (2019) (3), 325-333, DOI: 10.23952/jano.1.2019.3.09, free online acces available here.

P32.     Monica Bianchi, Gábor Kassay, Rita Pini: Regularization of Brézis pseudomonotone variational inequalities, Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, Published online: 02 June 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s10107-020-01561-7, [JCR IF 2018: 1.476]

P33.     Juan Enrique Martínez-Legaz, Cornel Pintea: Closed convex sets with an open or closed Gauss range, Mathematical Programming, Published online: 08 September 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s10107-020-01534-w [JCR Science Edition 2018 IF: 2.823]

P34.     Zsolt Darvay, Behrouz Kheirfam, Petra Renáta Rigó: A new wide neighborhood primal-dual second-order corrector algorithm for linear optimization, Optimization Letters, First Online 24 August 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s11590-019-01468-z, [JCR IF 2018: 1.399]

P35.     Zsolt Darvay, Petra Renáta Rigó, Eszter Szénási: Infeasible interior-point algorithm for linear optimization based on a new search direction. In L. Zadnik Stirn, M. Kljajic Borstnar, J. Zerovnic, S. Drobne, J. Povh (eds.), Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Operational Research SOR'19, Bled, Slovenia, September 25-27, pp. 475-480, 2019.

P36.  Suliman Al-Homidan, Qamrul Hasan Ansari,Gábor Kassay: Bregman type regularization of variational inequalities with Mosco approximation of the constraint set, under review

P37.     Elisabeth Köbis, Christian Günther, Nicolae Popovici: On strictly minimal elements w.r.t. preorder relations in set-valued optimization, Applied Set-Valued Analysis and Optimization, Special Issue Dedicated to Alfred Göpfert, 1 (2019) (3), 205-219, DOI: 10.23952/asvao.1.2019.3.02, free online acces available here



Conferences and seminars




Plenary invited talks and/or

session chair at international conferences/workshops

Contributed talks at international conferences/workshops

Invited talks at research seminars abroad

Talks at national conferences and research seminars in Romania


12/07/2017 - 31/12/2017

3 [CS6, CS13 and CS16 in the list below]

3 [CS1, CS2 and CS7 in the list below]

5  [CS3, CS5, CS9, CS10 and CS14 in the list below]

5  [CS4, CS8, CS11, CS12 and CS15 in the list below]


01/01/2018 - 31/12/2018

2 [CS17 and CS29 in the list below]

13 [CS20, CS24-CS27, CS30-CS34, CS37 and CS40 in the list below]

1  [CS35 in the list below]

11  [CS18, CS19, CS21-CS23, CS28, CS38, CS39 and CS41-CS43 in the list below]


01/01/2019 - 31/12/2019

3 [CS58, CS68 and CS69 in the list below]

14 [CS45-48, CS57, CS59, CS61, CS62, CS64-CS67, CS70 and CS72 in the list below]

5 [CS49- CS53 and in the list below]

10 [CS44, CS54-CS56, CS60, CS63, CS71 and CS73-CS75 in the list below]









CS1.      Szilárd Csaba László:  Second order dynamical systems with penalty terms associated to monotone inclusions, GPCO 2017- 7th German-Polish Conference on Optimization, Będlewo, Poland, Augut 27 – September 1, 2017, https://www.impan.pl/konferencje/bcc/2017/17-gpco/preliminary_program_18_08_2017ms_4.pdf

CS2.      Cornel Pintea:  Generalized monotone operators on finite dimensional spaces. Applications, XΙI International Symposium on Generalized Convexity and Monotonicity, Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary, August 27 - September 2, 2017, http://gcm.up.krakow.pl/

CS3.      Nicolae Popovici: Local-global type properties for generalized convex vector functions, Oberseminar Optimierung, Martin Luther University of Halle, Germany, September 7, 2017, http://optimierung.mathematik.uni-halle.de/veranstaltungen/oberseminaroptimierung/ .

CS4.      Anca Grad: Monotone inclusions through inertial algorithms, 6th International Conference on Mathematics and Informatics, Târgu Mureş, România, September 7–9, 2017, http://mitis.ro/mathinfo/2017/

CS5.      Zsolt Darvay: Interior-point algorithms from the perspective of neighborhoods and directions, Research Seminar, Department of Differential Equations, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary, September 21, 2017.

CS6.      Nicolae Popovici (chair of contributed talks session Vector-valued optimization and related issues): Local-global type properties for generalized convex vector functions, 18th French – German – Italian Conference on Optimization, Paderborn, Germany, September 25 - 28, 2017, https://math.uni-paderborn.de/ag/mathematik-und-ihre-anwendungen/fgi-2017/programme/contributed-talks-on-tuesday/

CS7.      Petra Renáta Rigó, Zsolt Darvay, Tibor Illés: Infeasible interior-point algorithms for linear optimization problems, The 14th International Symposium on Operations Research in Slovenia - SOR'17, Bled, Slovenia, September 27-29, 2017, http://sor17.fov.uni-mb.si/

CS8.      Nicolae Popovici: Unifying local-global type properties in vector optimization, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, October 5, 2017, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/.

CS9.      Gábor Kassay: Existence results for vector equilibrium problems given by a sum of two functions, Research Seminar, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Granada, Spain,  October 25, 2017.

CS10.  Gábor Kassay: Stability of equilibria via regularity of the diagonal subdifferential operators, Research Seminar, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Granada, Spain,  October 27, 2017.

CS11.  Petra-Renáta Takács, Zsolt Darvay: New algebraic transformation for determination of interior-point method for linear programming, 8th Mathematics and Computer Science with Applications Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, November 3-5, 2017, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~darvay/eme/mtne2017/.

CS12.  Livia Mihaela Bercheşan: Cyclically antimonotone vector equilibrium problems, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, November 9, 2017, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/.

CS13.  Gábor Kassay (guest of honor and plenary speaker): On a suffcient condition for weak sharp effciency in multiobjective optimization, International Conference on Analysis and its Applications, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India, Novermber 20 - 22, 2017, https://icaa2017.com/,  https://icaa2017.com/plenaryspeakers

CS14.  Nicolae Popovici: New algorithms for solving discrete vector optimization problems, Research Seminar, Department of Electronics, Computing & Mathematics, University of Derby, UK, November 22, 2017

CS15.  Gábor Kassay: On a sufficient condition for weak sharp efficiency in multiobjective optimization, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, October 5, 2017, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/

CS16.  Gábor Kassay (organizer of the special  session Equlibrium and vector optimization problems): Coupling Popov’s algorithm with subgradient extragradient method for solving equilibrium problems,  4th Conference on Optimization Methods and Software, Havana, Cuba, December 16-20, 2017,.http://wias-berlin.de/workshops/oms2017/

CS17.  Gábor Kassay (invited plenary speaker): Equilibrium problems: are they of fixed point or Hahn-Banach type?, The 7th International Workshop on Fixed Point Theory & Applications, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, January 03-04, 2018.

CS18.  Szilárd Csaba László: A second order dynamical system with variable damping associated to a nonconvex minimization, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, March 1, 2018, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/.

CS19.  Cornel Pintea: Characterizations of some properties of the closed convex sets through their Gauss range, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, March 8, 2018, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/.

CS20.  Szilárd Csaba László: Approaching nonsmooth nonconvex minimization through second order proximal-gradient dynamical systems, Games, Dynamics & Optimization (GDO2018), Vienna, Austria, March 13–15, 2018, https://mathematik.univie.ac.at/fileadmin/user_upload/f_mathematik/Vortraege/2017_18/Poster-6.pdf

CS21.  Petra Renáta Rigó: Interior-point methods for linear complementarity problems, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, March 15, 2018, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/.

CS22.  Anca Grad: A penalty scheme with a backward step and inertial effects, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, March 22, 2018, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/.

CS23.  Nicolae Popovici: A systematization of convexity and quasiconvexity concepts for set-valued maps, defined by l-type and u-type preorder relations, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, March 29, 2018, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/.

CS24.  Gábor Kassay (member of the Scientific Committee): On a sufficient condition for weak sharp efficiency in multiobjective optimization, First Romanian Itinerant Seminar on Mathematical Analysis and its Applications (RISMAA), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, April 20-21, 2018, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/1st-rismaa/

CS25.  Nicolae Popovici  (member of the Scientific Committee): A systematization of quasiconvexity concepts for set-valued maps, First Romanian Itinerant Seminar on Mathematical Analysis and its Applications (RISMAA), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, April 20-21, 2018, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/1st-rismaa/

CS26.  Cornel Pintea: Characterizations of some properties of the closed convex sets through their Gauss range, First Romanian Itinerant Seminar on Mathematical Analysis and its Applications (RISMAA), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, April 20-21, 2018, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/1st-rismaa/

CS27.  Anca Grad: A backward step with inertial effects algorithm solving a monotone inclusion problem, First Romanian Itinerant Seminar on Mathematical Analysis and its Applications (RISMAA), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, April 20-21, 2018, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/1st-rismaa/

CS28.  Zsolt Darvay: Classes of search directions in interior-point algorithms for linear complementarity problems, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 31, 2018, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/.

CS29.  Gábor Kassay (invited plenary speaker): The equilibrium problem: a unified approach to optimization, minimax problems (game theory), variational inequalities and other interesting problems, 12th Joint Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science, Săcuieu, Romania, June 14 – 17, 2018, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~macs/2018/

CS30.  Anca Grad: A monotone inclusion problem solved through an inertial algorithm with two backward steps, 12th Joint Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science, Săcuieu, Romania, June 14 – 17, 2018, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~macs/2018/

CS31.  Nicolae Popovici: A general local-global extremality principle in vector optimization, International Conference on Variational Analysis and Nonsmooth Optimization (ICVANO2018) - dedicated to Boris Mordukhovich, Halle (Saale), Germany, June 28 - July 1, 2018, https://blogs.urz.uni-halle.de/icvano/

CS32.  Gábor Kassay: On a sufficient condition for weak sharp efficiency in multiobjective optimization, 2018 International Conference on Management and Operations Research, Beijing Friendship Hotel, Beijing, China, July 7-9, 2018, http://icmor.ustb.edu.cn/

CS33.  Livia Mihaela Bercheşan: Cyclically antimonotone vector equilibrium problems, 29th European Conferefnce on Operational Research (EURO2018), Valencia, Spain, July 8-11, 2018, http://euro2018valencia.com

CS34.  Petra Renáta Rigó, Zsolt Darvay, Tibor Illés: Predictor-corrector interior-point algorithms for sufficient linear complementarity problems, 16th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization, Almería, Spain, July 12-13, 2018, http://www2.ual.es/EurOPT18/ 

CS35.  Gábor Kassay: The equilibrium problem: a unified approach to optimization,minimax problems (game theory), variational inequalities and other interesting problems, Research Seminar on Optimization, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, September 20, 2018

CS36.  Zsolt Darvay: Adaptive predictor-corrector interior-point algorithm based on a transformation of the central path, The 17th International Conference on Operational Research KOI 2018, Zadar, Croatia, September 26-28, http://hdoi.hr/koi2018/

CS37.  Petra Renáta Rigó, Zsolt Darvay, Tibor Illés: New algebraic equivalent transformation for a predictor-corrector interior-point algorithm, The 17th International Conference on Operational Research KOI 2018, Zadar, Croatia, September 26-28, http://hdoi.hr/koi2018/ 

CS38.  Szilárd Csaba László: Convergence rates for an inertial algorithm of gradient type associated to a smooth nonconvex minimization, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, October 11, 2018, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/

CS39.  Petra Renáta Rigó: Predictor-corrector interior-point algorithms, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, October 18, 2018, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/

CS40.  Nicolae Popovici: A systematization of quasiconvexity concepts for set-valued maps, Colloquium Vector- and Set-Valued Optimization, Wittenberg, Germany, October 25-26, 2018, https://leucorea.de/veranstaltungen/vektoren-und-mengenwertige-optimierung-2/ , Programm

CS41.  Cornel Pintea: Strongly Minkowski sets revisited, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, October 25, 2018, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/.

CS42.  Nicolae Popovici: Generalized convexity of vector functions w.r.t. polyhedral cones, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, November 8, 2018, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/.

CS43.  Cornel Pintea: A nonlinear eigenvalue-transmission problem with Neumann boundary condition, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, November 22, 2018, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/.

CS44.  Gábor KassayTakahashi’s minimization theorem and some related results in quasi-metric spaces, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, December 6, 2018, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/.

CS45.  Zsolt Darvay, Tibor Illés, Behrouz Kheirfam, Petra Renáta Rigó: A new predictor-corrector interior-point algorithm for linear optimization problem, VOCAL Optimization Conference: Advanced Algorithms, Esztergom, Hungary, December 10-12, 2018, http://vocal.p-graph.org/

CS46.  Petra Renáta Rigó: New trends in interior-point algorithms, VOCAL Optimization Conference: Advanced Algorithms, Esztergom, Hungary, December 10-12, 2018, http://vocal.p-graph.org/

CS47.  Zsolt Darvay: A new adaptive predictor-corrector interior-point algorithm for sufficient linear complementarity problems, VOCAL Optimization Conference: Advanced Algorithms, Esztergom, Hungary, December 10-12, 2018, http://vocal.p-graph.org/

CS48.  Szilárd Csaba László: A second order dynamical approach with variable coefficients to nonconvex smooth minimization, Modern Maximal Monotone Operator Theory: From Nonsmooth Optimization to Differential Inclusions - Workshop on Nonsmooth and Variational Analysis, January 28-February 1, 2019, Vienna, Austria, https://www.esi.ac.at/events/e29/

CS49.  Nicolae Popovici: A systematization of convexity and quasiconvexity concepts for set-valued maps, defined by l-type and u-type preorder relations, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, Department of Decision Sciences, Research Seminar, February 8, 2019,

CS50.  Nicolae Popovici: A general local-global extremality principle in vector optimization, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy, Department of Economics, Research Seminar, February 13, 2019, https://www.eco.uninsubria.it/site/dipartimento/ricerca/seminari/

CS51.  Nicolae Popovici: New algorithms for solving discrete vector optimization problems, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy, Department of Economics, Research Seminar, February 14, 2019, https://www.eco.uninsubria.it/site/dipartimento/ricerca/seminari/

CS52.  Nicolae Popovici: New algorithm for solving planar multiobjective location problems involving the Manhattan norm, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy, Department of Economics, Research Seminar, February 15, 2019, https://www.eco.uninsubria.it/site/dipartimento/ricerca/seminari/

CS53.  Zsolt Darvay: A long-step feasible predictor-corrector interior-point algorithm for symmetric cone optimization, Research Seminar, Department of Differential Equations, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary, February 28, 2019.

CS54.  Szilárd Csaba László: On a class of second order dynamical systems with variable coefficients associated to a nonconvex minimization, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, March 21, 2019, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/.

CS55.  Cornel Pintea: Convex decompositions of some nonconvex open sets, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, March 28, 2019, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/.

CS56.  Gábor Kassay: On sensitivity of vector equilibria by means of the diagonal subdifferential operator, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, April 4, 2019, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/.

CS57.  Szilárd Csaba László: A primal-dual dynamical approach to a nonsmooth convex minimization, Games, Dynamics and Optimization 2019 COST Action CA16228 ”European Network for Game Theory”, April 9 -11, 2019, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, http://gdo2019.com/

CS58.  Gábor Kassay (plenary speaker):  Vectorial form of Ekeland’s variational principle with applications to vector equilibrium problems, I Conference on Minimax Inequalities and Equilibrium Poblems, University of Granada, Spain, 6-7 May 2019, https://congresos.ugr.es/minequmax/program

CS59.   Cornel Pintea: A nonlinear elliptic eigenvalue-transmission problem with Neumann boundary condition, I Conference on Minimax Inequalities and Equilibrium Poblems, University of Granada, Spain, 6-7 May 2019, https://congresos.ugr.es/minequmax/program

CS60.  Szilárd Csaba László: On quasilinear operators, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 16, 2019, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/.

CS61.  Eszter Szénási, Zsolt Darvay, Petra Renáta Rigó: Interior-point algorithm for linear optimization based on a new search direction, XXXIII. Hungarian Operations Research Conference, Szeged, Hungary, May 20-22, 2019, http://www.mot.org.hu/mok2019

CS62.  Tibor Illés, Zsolt Darvay, Petra Renáta Rigó, Janez Povh: Interior-point algorithms for linear complementarity problems with transformed central path, XXXIII. Hungarian Operations Research Conference, Szeged, Hungary, May 20-22, 2019, http://www.mot.org.hu/mok2019

CS63.  Gábor Kassay: Vectorial form of Ekeland's Variational Principle with applications to vector equilibrium problems, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 23, 2019, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/.

CS64.  Anca Grad: Inertial algorithms for monotone inclusion problems, 16th International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, July 3-6, 2019.

CS65.  Livia Mihaela Bercheşan: Cyclically antimonotone vector equilibrium problems, 16th International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, July 3-6, 2019.

CS66.  Gábor Kassay: Vectorial form of Ekeland Variational Principle with applications to vector equilibrium problems, Positivity X, Pretoria, South Africa, July 8-12, 2019, http://positivitymathematics.org/.

CS67.  Zsolt Darvay, Tibor Illés, Janez Povh, Petra Renáta Rigó: Predictor-corrector interior-point algorithm for sufficient linear complementarity problems based on a new search direction, Sixth International Conference on Continuous Optimization, Berlin, Germany, August 5-8, 2019, https://iccopt2019.berlin/

CS68.  Gábor Kassay (invited speaker): The Ekeland's Variational Principle in optimization and equilibria, Veszprém Optimization Workshop dedicated to Béla Vizvári on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Veszprém, Hungary, August 26 - 27, 2019, http://vow2019.mik.uni-pannon.hu/.

CS69.  Zsolt Darvay (invited speaker), Gizella Noémi Márk: New interior-point algorithm for sucient linear complementarity problem, Veszprém Optimization Workshop dedicated to Béla Vizvári on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Veszprém, Hungary, August 26 - 27, 2019, http://vow2019.mik.uni-pannon.hu/.

CS70.  Zsolt Darvay, Petra Renáta Rigó: Infeasible interior-point algorithm for linear optimization based on a new search direction, The 15th International Symposium on Operational Research SOR’19, Bled, Slovenia, September 25-27, 2019, http://sor19.fov.uni-mb.si/

CS71.  Nicolae Popovici: New algorithms for computing the minimal elements of finite families of sets w.r.t. preorder relations, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, October 17, 2019, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/

CS72.  Nicolae Popovici: Local-global extremality properties in vector optimization, Colloquium Vector- and Set-Valued Optimization, Wittenberg, Germany, October 25-26, 2019

CS73.  Cornel Pintea: The convex decomposition number and the valence of some functions, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, November 21, 2019, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/

CS74.  Anca Grad: Relaxed inertial algorithms for monotone inclusion problems, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, November 28, 2019, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/

CS75.  Szilárd Csaba László: Possible convergence rates of order O(1/n2) for some inertial algorithms obtained via the explicit Euler method applied to a perturbed version of the second order dynamical system that models Nesterov’s accelerated convex gradient method, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, December 5, 2019, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/



Habilitation Thesis



Cornel Pintea: The size of critical and tangency sets, Habilitation Thesis, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2019 [172 pages].



External collaborators



·       Associate Professor Ovidiu BAGDASAR, Ph.D. (University of Derby, UK)

- Invited talk: Traffic assignment: Methods and simulations for an alternative formulation of the fixed demand problem, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, June 7, 2018, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/

- Invited talk: Automatic design and correction of ceramic colors: Problem statement, methodology and benefits, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 30, 2019, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/

·       Professor Monica BIANCHI, Ph.D. (Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, Italy)

- Research visit at Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, June 4-8, 2018;

·       Professor Marco CASTELLANI, Ph.D. (Universitŕ degli Studi dell'Aquila, Italia)

- Research visit at Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, May 31 - June 7, 2019;

·       Robert-Ernö CSETNEK, Ph.D. (University of Vienna, Austria)

- Invited talk: Proximal splitting methods for solving nonsmooth convex optimization problems, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, October 12, 2017, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/

- Invited talk: Approaching nonsmooth and nonconvex optimization problems through continuous and discrete proximal-type algorithms, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, October 26, 2017, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/

·       Associate Professor Massimiliano GIULI, Ph.D. (Universitŕ degli Studi dell'Aquila, Italia)

- Research visit at Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, May 31 - June 7, 2019;

- Invited talk: Existence of quasiequilibria in locally convex metric vector spaces, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, June 6, 2019, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/

·       Christian GÜNTHER, Ph.D. (Martin Luther University of Halle, Germany)

- Research visit at Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, November 3 - 6, 2019;

- Invited talk: Relationships between Clarke-Ye type penalization and vectorial penalization in multi-objective optimization, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, November 4, 2019, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/

·       Professor Juan Enrique MARTÍNEZ-LEGAZ, Ph.D. (Universitat Autňnoma de Barcelona)

- Invited talk:DC Programming: optimality, duality and applications, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, April 5, 2018, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/

·       Enrico MORETTO, Ph.D. (Universita degli Studi dell’Insubria, Varese, Italy)

- Research visit at Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, November 9 - 12, 2019;

- Invited talk: Bargaining region in a merger agreement: a diagrammatic approach, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, November 11, 2019, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/

·       Professor Rita PINI, Ph.D. (Universita degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, Italy)

- Research visit at Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, scheduled June 4-8, 2018;

·       Asma SAIDI, Ph.D. (Ibn Zohr University Agadir, Morocco)

- Research visit at Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, May 4-31, 2018;

- Invited talk: An equilibrium problem approach for the existence of anti-periodic solutions for nonlinear implicit evolution equations, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 17, 2018, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/

- Research visit at Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, April 4-30, 2019;

- Invited talk: Iterative algorithm for systems of mixed vector equilibrium problems involving set-valued variational-like inequalities, Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, April 18, 2019, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~grupanopt/



Annual scientific reports



The Scientific Report No.1 (on the period of 12/07/2017 - 31/12/2017) is available here

The Scientific Report No.2 (on the period of 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2018) is available here

The Scientific Report No.3 (on the period of 01/01/2019 – up to date) is available here




Updated by Nicolae Popovici on September 10, 2020