Web Programming
Spring semester, 2023-2024

Conf. Dr. Adrian Sterca [adrian dot sterca at cs dot ubbcluj dot ro]
Lect. Dr. Ionut Badarinza [ionutb at cs dot ubbcluj dot ro]
Asist. Dr. Manuela Petrescu [manuela dot petrescu at ubbcluj dot ro]
Drd. Roxana Sipos-Lascu [roxana.lascu at cs dot ubbcluj dot ro]
Cd.asoc. Alexandru Moraru [alexm at cs dot ubbcluj dot ro]
Cd.asoc. Ana-Maria Berfela [ana dot tariuc at ubbcluj dot ro]
Cd.asoc. Bogdan Bledea [bogdan dot bledea at ubbcluj dot ro]

Course Contents:
Client-side web technologies:
Server-side web technologies:

Course notes

The re-examination date for the Computer Science, English section students is:
Wednesday, 10th of July 2024 at time 10.00 am (Rooms: L321, L339).

Grades July 2024 [7-July-2024]:

The final grades are available here.
If you have questions or spot mistakes in the grades, please write me an email within 1 week.

Course Requirements:
The presence at the labs is mandatory. Students are required to be present to at least 12 labs.

The final mark is computed by using the following formula:

FinalMark = 40%LabsMark + 60%FinalPracticalExamMark

The final exam is a practical one. The student must implement a set of web pages, but also she/he must answer to some theoretical questions. Students are allowed to bring to this exam all kinds of printed or electronic documentation they see fit.
Labs tasks are assigned to students through the imPULSE portal. The lab mark is the average of the marks the student gets on the labs resolved during the semester. A student gets the mark 1 for a missing lab (i.e. a lab not shown to the professor). Each week past the deadline will decrease with 1 point the maximum mark a student can get for that lab. In one physical lab class, the student is allowed to present exactly 1 lab task (maximum 2 tasks if the lab professor allows it). A student should go to the lab activity scheduled for the group the student belongs to. The student can also go to a lab class with another group (not his own) if the lab professor for that group allows it. Students who take this course again can choose the lab activity that best fits their own schedule - but still, the lab professor must agree to it. If you are having problems choosing a lab class, tell this immediately (in the beginning of the semester) to Adrian Sterca. Any organizational problems you are having with this course or the lab (e.g. the student's PULSE account does not work), must be reported immediately to Adrian Sterca - it's the student's responsability to do this.

In order to successfully pass this course, each of the above marks must be at least 5. In addition, the student must present at least 5 labs to the professor in order to enter the final exam and one of these must be a server-side lab (PHP+Ajax, Angular+PHP, JSP/Servlet, ASP .NET).

The method used for computing the final lab grade : At the end of the semester, the following weights are used to compute the final lab grade:

A lab not shown to the lab professor will be graded with 1.

Labs (practical work) can not be recovered in the re-examination session (i.e. 'restanta') - one can not do in 1 or 2 hours what he/she was supposed to do a whole semester (i.e. 14 weeks). A student who does not have at least 12 attendances at the labs and a lab mark at least 5 will not be able to enter the re-examination session.
Exception: students who take this course again (i.e. 3rd year students) are not required to have any number of attendances at the lab, but they still need to show lab works so that their final average lab grade is at least 5.