Personal Details
- First name: Zsolt
Last name: Darvay
Office: Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
Position: Associate Professor

Google Scholar
ResearcherID / Publons
Wife: Éva Darvay
Children: Botond Darvay, Zsuzsanna Darvay
University Address:
Babeş-Bolyai University
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Hungarian Line
M. Kogalniceanu Street 1
RO-400084 Cluj-Napoca
Tel: +40-264-405327
Fax: +40-264-591906
E-mail: darvay 'at'
Working Positions
2019- Associate Professor at Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca 1998-2019 Lecturer Professor at Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca 1994-1998 Assistant Professor at Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca 1992-1994 Teacher at the Bathory Istvan High School, Cluj-Napoca 1991-1992 Research scientist at the Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA SZTAKI)
Didactic Activities
Analysis of massive datasets ( MMM8075 )
Software design based on patterns and components ( MMM8144 )
Fundamentals of programming ( MLM5107 )
Advanced programming methods ( MLM5008 )
Object-oriented programming ( MLM5006 )
Component-based techniques applied in optimization ( MMM8034 )
Optimization techniques (seminar)( MLM0005 )
Basic computer science ( MLM7006 )
Design patterns in Java ( MMM8019 )
Windows programming ( MLM5043 )
New methods in linear programming (interior-point algorithms) (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Department of Operations Research)
Recent Technical Reports
Zs. Darvay, M. E.-Nagy, G. Lesaja, P.R. Rigó, A. Varga: Comprehensive analysis of kernel-based interior-point methods for P*(κ) - LCP, Corvinus University of Budapest, Report No.: CEWP 03/2024. (pdf)
Online First
Zs. Darvay, G.N. Márk: Large-step algorithm for linear complementarity problem with new search direction, Optimization, First Online 02 September 2024, DOI: 10.1080/02331934.2024.2396541, [JCR IF 2022: 2.2]. A limited number of free eprints available here.
Zs. Darvay, P.R. Rigó: New predictor-corrector algorithm for symmetric cone horizontal linear complementarity problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 202(1):50-75, 2024, DOI: 10.1007/s10957-022-02078-z, [JCR IF 2022: 1.9]. (pdf, CEWP 2021-01)
Zs. Darvay, P.R. Rigó: Interior-point algorithms for symmetric cone horizontal linear complementarity problems based on a new class of algebraically equivalent transformations, Optimization Letters, 18(2):615-634, 2024, DOI: 10.1007/s11590-023-02020-w, [JCR IF 2022: 1.6]. (pdf, CEWP 2022-04)
Zs. Darvay, T. Illés, P.R. Rigó: Predictor-corrector interior-point algorithm for P*(κ)-linear complementarity problems based on a new type of algebraic equivalent transformation technique, European Journal of Operational Research, 298(1):25-35, 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2021.08.039, [JCR IF 2022: 6.4].(pdf, CEWP 2020-03)
S. Asadi, N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Zs. Darvay, P.R. Rigó : Full Nesterov-Todd step feasible interior-point algorithm for symmetric cone horizontal linear complementarity problem based on a positive-asymptotic barrier function, Optimization Methods and Software, 37(1):192-213, 2022, DOI: 10.1080/10556788.2020.1734803, [JCR IF 2022: 2.2]. A limited number of free eprints available here.
Zs. Darvay, A. Garfield: Implementation in Java of algorithms for semidefinite optimization, In E. Bitay and M. Máté (eds.) Proceedings of the XXVII-th international scientific conference of young engineers, Papers on Technical Science, 17:6-10, 2022. ISSN 2393 - 1280. ( pdf, eda, pdf-hu )
Zs. Darvay, Zs. Jakab: Algebraically equivalent transformation technique for weighted linear complementarity problems, In E. Bitay and M. Máté (eds.) Proceedings of the XXVII-th international scientific conference of young engineers, Papers on Technical Science, 17:11-15, 2022. ISSN 2393 - 1280. ( pdf, eda, pdf-hu )
Zs. Darvay, Á. Füstös: Predictor-corrector interior-point algorithm for the general linear complementarity problem, In E. Bitay (ed.) Proceedings of the XXVI-th international scientific conference of young engineers, Papers on Technical Science, 15:11-14, 2021. ISSN 2393 - 1280. ( pdf, eda, pdf-hu )
Zs. Darvay, A.-Sz. Orbán: Implementation of the full-Newton step algorithm for weighted linear complementarity problems, In E. Bitay (ed.) Proceedings of the XXVI-th international scientific conference of young engineers, Papers on Technical Science, 15:15-18, 2021. ISSN 2393 - 1280. ( pdf, eda, pdf-hu )
Zs. Darvay, T. Illés, Cs. Majoros: Interior-point algorithm for sufficient LCPs based on the technique of algebraically equivalent transformation, Optimization Letters, 15(2):357-376, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/s11590-020-01612-0, [JCR IF 2022: 1.6]. (pdf, ORR 2018-02, LOG file)
Zs. Darvay, P.R. Rigó, E. Szénási: Interior-point algorithm for linear optimization based on a new search direction (Új keresési irányra épülő belsőpontos algoritmus lineáris optimalizálásra), Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok, 37(2):277-286, 2020, DOI: 10.37070/AML.2020.37.2.11. (pdf)
Zs. Darvay, T. Illés, J. Povh, P.R. Rigó: Feasible corrector-predictor interior-point algorithm for P*(κ)-linear complementarity problems based on a new search direction, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 30(3):2628-2658, 2020, DOI: 10.1137/19M1248972, [JCR IF 2022: 3.1]. (ORR 2018-03)
Zs. Darvay, B. Kheirfam, P.R. Rigó: A new wide neighborhood primal-dual second-order corrector algorithm for linear optimization, Optimization Letters, 14(7):1747-1763, 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s11590-019-01468-z, [JCR IF 2022: 1.6]. Free online access available here.
S. Asadi, Zs. Darvay, G. Lesaja, N. Mahdavi-Amiri, F. Potra: A full-Newton step interior-point method for monotone weighted linear complementarity problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 186(3):864-878, 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s10957-020-01728-4, [JCR IF 2022: 1.9]. Free online access available here.
Zs. Darvay, T. Illés, B. Kheirfam, P.R. Rigó: A corrector-predictor interior-point method with new search direction for linear optimization, Central European Journal of Operations Research, 28(3):1123-1140, 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s10100-019-00622-3, [JCR IF 2022: 1.7]. ( pdf, online )
S. Asadi, H. Mansouri, Zs. Darvay, G. Lesaja, M. Zangiabadi: A long-step feasible predictor-corrector interior-point algorithm for symmetric cone optimization, Optimization Methods and Software, 34(2):336-362, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/10556788.2018.1528248, [JCR IF 2022: 2.2]. A limited number of free eprints available here.
S. Asadi, H. Mansouri, Zs. Darvay, M. Zangiabadi, N. Mahdavi-Amiri: Large-neighborhood infeasible predictor-corrector algorithm for horizontal linear complementarity problems over Cartesian product of symmetric cones, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 180(3):811-829, 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s10957-018-1402-6, [JCR IF 2022: 1.9]. Free online access available here. Technical report: ORR 2018-01
Zs. Darvay, P.R. Rigó, E. Szénási: Infeasible interior-point algorithm for linear optimization based on a new search direction. In L. Zadnik Stirn, M. Kljajic Borstnar, J. Zerovnic, S. Drobne, J. Povh eds., Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Operational Research SOR'19, Bled, Slovenia, September 25-27, pp. 475-480, 2019. ( pdf )
Zs. Darvay, Á. Füstös: Numerical results for the general linear complementarity problem, In E. Bitay (ed.) Proceedings of the XXIV-th international scientific conference of young engineers, Papers on Technical Science, 11:43-46, 2019. ISSN 2393 - 1280. ( pdf, eda, pdf-hu )
Zs. Darvay, A.-Sz. Orbán: Implementation of an interior-point algorithm for linear complementarity problem working in a wide neighborhood, In E. Bitay (ed.) Proceedings of the XXIV-th international scientific conference of young engineers, Papers on Technical Science, 11:47-50, 2019. ISSN 2393 - 1280. ( pdf, eda, pdf-hu )
Zs. Darvay, P.R. Rigó: New interior-point algorithm for symmetric optimization based on a positive-asymptotic barrier function, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 39(15):1705-1726, 2018, DOI: 10.1080/01630563.2018.1492938, [JCR IF 2022: 1.2]. A limited number of free eprints available here.
P.R. Rigó, Zs. Darvay: Infeasible interior-point method for symmetric optimization using a positive-asymptotic barrier, Computational Optimization and Applications, 71(2):483-508, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s10589-018-0012-4, [JCR IF 2022: 2.2]. Free online access available here.
P.-R. Takács, Zs. Darvay: A primal-dual interior-point algorithm for symmetric optimization based on a new method for finding search directions, Optimization, 67(6), 889-905, 2018, DOI: 10.1080/02331934.2018.1432610, [JCR IF 2022: 2.2]. A limited number of free eprints available here.
Zs. Darvay, P.-R. Takács: New method for determining search directions for interior-point algorithms in linear optimization, Optimization Letters, 12(5), 1099-1116, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s11590-017-1171-4, [JCR IF 2022: 1.6]. Free online access available here.
Zs. Darvay, P.-R. Takács: Large-step interior-point algorithm for linear optimization based on a new wide neighbourhood, Central European Journal of Operations Research, 26(3):551-563, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s10100-018-0524-0, [JCR IF 2022: 1.7]. Free online access available here.
S. Asadi, H. Mansouri, Zs. Darvay: An infeasible full-NT step IPM for horizontal linear complementarity problem over Cartesian product of symmetric cones, Optimization, 66(2): 225-250, 2017, DOI: 10.1080/02331934.2016.1267732, [JCR IF 2022: 2.2]. A limited number of free eprints available here.
S. Asadi, H. Mansouri, Zs. Darvay, M. Zangiabadi: On the P*(κ) horizontal linear complementarity problems over Cartesian product of symmetric cones, Optimization Methods and Software, 31(2): 233-257, 2016, DOI: 10.1080/10556788.2015.1058795, [JCR IF 2022: 2.2]. A limited number of free eprints available here.
Zs. Darvay, I.-M. Papp, P.-R. Takács: Complexity analysis of a full-Newton step interior-point method for linear optimization, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, 73(1):27-42, 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s10998-016-0119-2, [JCR IF 2022: 0.8]. Free online access available here.
Zs. Darvay, P.-R. Takács: New short-step interior-point algorithm for horizontal linear complementarity problems, In E. Bitay (ed.) Proceedings of the XXI-th international scientific conference of young engineers, Papers on Technical Science, 5:125-128, 2016. ISSN 2393 - 1280. ( pdf )
S. Asadi, H. Mansouri, Zs. Darvay: An infeasible interior-point method with improved centering steps for monotone linear complementarity problems, Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, 8(3): 1550037, 9 pp, 2015, DOI: 10.1142/S1793557115500370, [JCR IF 2022: 0.8].
Zs. Darvay, P.-R. Takács: Interior-point algorithm for linear optimization based on the transformation of the centering equation, In E. Bitay (ed.) Proceedings of the XX-th international scientific conference of young engineers, Papers on Technical Science, 3:123-126, 2015. ISSN 2393 - 1280. ( pdf )
Zs. Darvay, I.-M. Papp, P.-R. Takács: An infeasible full-Newton step algorithm for linear optimization with one centering step in major iteration, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Series Informatica, 59(1):28-45, 2014. ( pdf )
Zs. Darvay, P.-R. Takács: Infeasible interior-point algorithm with locally self-concordant barrier function (Lokálisan önkorlátozó barrier függvénnyel megadott nem megengedett belsőpontos algoritmus), In Bitay Enikő (ed.) Fiatal műszakiak tudományos ülésszaka, XIX, 129-132, 2014. ISSN 2067 - 6 808. ( pdf )
Zs. Darvay, I.-M. Papp: A new primal-dual interior-point algorithm for linear complementarity problems (Egy új primál-duál belsőpontos algoritmus lineáris komplementaritási feladatra) , In Bitay Enikő (ed.) Fiatal műszakiak tudományos ülésszaka, XIX, 125-128, 2014. ISSN 2067 - 6 808. ( pdf )
Zs. Darvay, P.-R. Takács: A new short-step algorithm for linearly constrained convex optimization (Egy új rövid lépéses algoritmus konvex optimalizálási feladatra lineáris feltételekkel), In Bitay Enikő (ed.) Fiatal műszakiak tudományos ülésszaka, XVIII, 115-118, 2013. ISSN 2067 - 6 808. ( pdf )
Zs. Darvay, Á. Mester, I.-M. Papp, P.-R. Takács: A new infeasible interior-point algorithm for linear optimization (Egy új nem megengedett belsőpontos algoritmus a lineáris optimalizálásban), In Bitay Enikő (ed.) Fiatal műszakiak tudományos ülésszaka, XVIII, 107-110, 2013. ISSN 2067 - 6 808. ( pdf )
Zs. Darvay, I.-M. Papp: Convex quadratic optimization algorithm using a new search direction (Konvex kvadratikus optimalizálási algoritmus új elmozdulásvektorral), In Bitay Enikő (ed.) Fiatal műszakiak tudományos ülésszaka, XVIII, 111-114, 2013. ISSN 2067 - 6 808. ( pdf )
2012 - 1997
Zs. Darvay, Á. Felméri, N. Forró, I. Papp, P. Takács: A new interior-point algorithm for solving linear optimization problems (Egy új belsőpontos algoritmus lineáris optimalizálási feladatok megoldására), In Bitay Enikő (ed.) Fiatal műszakiak tudományos ülésszaka, XVII, 87-90, 2012. ISSN 2067 - 6 808. ( pdf )
Zs. Darvay, E. Pataki: Object-oriented implementation of primal-dual algorithms in Matlab (Primál-duál algoritmusok objektumorientált megvalósítása Matlabban), In Bitay Enikő (ed.) Fiatal műszakiak tudományos ülésszaka, XVII, 91-94, 2012. ISSN 2067 - 6 808. ( pdf )
Zs. Darvay. A predictor-corrector algorithm for linearly constrained convex optimization. Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Series Informatica, 54(2):121-138, 2009. ( pdf )
Zs. Darvay: A new predictor-corrector algorithm for linear programming (Egy új prediktor-korrektor algoritmus a lineáris programozásban), Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok, 22: 135-161, 2005. ( pdf ) ( matarka )
Zs. Darvay: New Interior Point Algorithms in Linear Programming, Advanced Modeling and Optimization, 5(1):51-92, 2003. ( pdf )
Zs. Darvay. A weighted-path-following method for linear optimization. Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Series Informatica, 47(2):3-12, 2002. ( pdf )
Zs. Darvay. A new algorithm for solving self-dual linear optimization problems. Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Series Informatica, 47(1):15-26, 2002. ( pdf )
Zs. Darvay. A short step algorithm for solving multiobjective linear optimization problems. Seminar on Computer Science, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Preprint, 2:43-50, 1999.
Zs. Darvay. Implementation of interior point algorithms for solving linear optimization problems. Seminar on Computer Science, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Preprint, 2:83-92, 1998.
Zs. Darvay. The Class Concept in the C++ Programming Language (in romanian), in the framework of the Tempus S_JEP 11168 / 1996 project (Restructuring the Retraining of School Teachers in Computer Science), p. 147-169, ed. Computer Libris Agora, Cluj-Napoca, 1998.
Zs. Darvay. Affine scaling algorithms in linear programming. Seminar on Computer Science, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Preprint, 2:69-88, 1997.
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